Day 81

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 7-4

Circles and Circumference

The formula C (circumference) = 2 * π * r, where π = 3.1.4 (or 22/7) and r stands for the radius of a circle. If you add 2 radii together, you end up with the diameter! We ended up doing the area of a circle in class, A = π * r2. Oops!

Algebra: Chapter 5-6

Evaluating Polynomials and Descending Order Writing

Writing a polynomial in descending order is pretty easy. For whatever variable you are interested in, choose the term in the polynomial with the highest exponent and then find other terms with the same variable/exponent that are sequentially smaller until you place the constants at the end.

To evaluate a polynomial for some known values of the variables, just do the glade commercial, and “plug it in, plug it in”. Calculate the polynomial with the given values and you’re done!

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