Day 52

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 5-2

Estimating and rounding numbers, decimals and fractions. When we round numbers, we look at the value of the place value to the right of the number we are rounding to. if the number is 5 or more, we round UP, and if the number is 4 or below, we round down. For example, if the the number is 5.24 and we are rounding to the nearest tenth, we look at the 4 (it is below 5) and we round the number to 5.2.

In estimating products and quotients, we choose whole numbers (usually) close to the numbers or fractions that we are using. Choose values that are close but at the same time, may be simple factors of the others. For example, 5.45 * 76.3 could be estimated as 5 * 80 or 400. Remember, the estimate is just a good guess, it is NOT an exact answer!

Algebra: Chapter 7 Review

We worked on page 350, even problems. For tonight, our homework is to do the odd problems for tomorrow’s Chapter 7 test. We have a review session starting at 7:30 a.m tomorrow!

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