Days 10 through 13

Oops, I forgot until Monday, kinda busy getting ready to move someone to UCSC …

Pre-Algebra: Chapters 1-9 and 1-10
On Tuesday (day 10) and Wednesday (day 11), we spread out Lesson 9 over 2 days. The quiz on Tuesday took a little longer than expected. Using inverse operations begins to prepare us for solving 1 step equations.

On Thursday (day 12) we talked about Lesson 10 and ways to show statistics (another fancy word for DATA). Bar graphs in particular, can tell a lot of information about data and show it in an easy to interpret form. Be sure to use graph paper and label both the x and y axes. Usually, the y axes (the one that goes up and down) shows the NUMBER of things that happened like votes, colors and the x axes (that goes left and right) shows the actual type of votes (like beef, chicken, pork or fish) or kind of colors (like blue, red, yellow).

Friday, Day 13 was a review day of Chapter 1, hopefully the review was helpful and ALL students DID IT!

Algebra: Chapters 1-8, 1-9 and 1-10
I have to add some more stuff here ….
Tuesday (day 10), we took Quiz #2
Wednesday (day 11)
Thursday (day 12), we worked with formulas using the GLADE commercial
Friday (day 13), we reviewed for the Chapter 1 test.

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