Day 69

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 6-7

Solving Equations and Inequalities

We use the same 1-step techniques we have previously learned to solve equations or inequalities with fractions or decimals. If we multiply or divide one side, we must do it to the other side as well. Click here for a review of the steps required! REMEMBER THOUGH, IF WE DIVIDE OR MULTIPLY AN INEQUALITY BY A NEGATIVE NUMBER, WE NEED TO REVERSE THE SIGN OF THE INEQUALITY. A ≤ becomes a ≥ and a ≥ becomes a ≤.

Algebra: Chapter 9-6

Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities

We continue Chapter 9-5 techniques and solve 2 inequalities. For the first equation, we can use any technique we learned from Chapter 7. Usually, the slope-intercept or x and y intercepts can be used to quickly define the line. Check a simple point like (0, 0) to see if that part of the ½ plane is true. If so, then shade that area.

Do the same for the other inequality and shade the appropriate ½ plane. The IMPORTANT PART is WHERE THE 2 INEQUALITIES OVERLAP THEIR SHADING, IS THE SOLUTION TO BOTH INEQUALITIES.

Remember, boundary lines of the form < or > are dashed. The line is NOT part of the solution. Lines of the form ≤ or ≥ are solid because their line ARE part of the solution.

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