Day 61

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 5 Review

Practice test Form 1a in preparation for tomorrow’s test!

Algebra: Chapter 8-6

Digit and Coin word problems.

Just remember to write the coin problems with the d (dime), q (quarter), n (nickel) preceeded by the value of the coin remembering that the d, q or n stand for the number of that type of coin. For example, .05n + .10d = $2.05

Remember too, that any 2-digit number can be expressed as 10x + y where x is the digit in the tens place and y is the digit in the one (units) place. For example, the number 23 can be written as 10 * 2 + 3. If we reverse the digits in the original number, the new number can be expressed as 10y + x. The reverse of 23, 32 can be written as 10 * 3 + 2.

Here is a link for some examples of coin problems and here is a link for digit type problems!

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