Day 32

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 3, Lesson 7
Multiplying and Dividing 1 step inequalities
Just like we did with 1 step multiplication and division problems, we solve equations with inequalities treating the inequality as if it were an equal sign.
There is ONLY ONE EXCEPTION, if we DIVIDE OR MULTIPLY BY A NEGATIVE NUMBER, WE MUST REVERSE THE SIGN OF THE INEQUALITY in the final solution!! If we have a >, then flip it to a < as an example. Algebra: Chapter 3, Lessons 10 and 11 Decimals, Percent and Percentage problems D2P stands for the conversion from decimals to percentages. The 2 signifies the number of decimal points you move to the left or right and the direction of the letters signifies the appropriate direction of the decimal point. e.g., using D2P, 0.34 becomes 34% by moving the decimal to the right to places and 78.2% becomes 0.782 as a decimal by moving the decimal 2 places to the left! Using Ms. Phillips wiki-wack (?) divide, you can turn percentage problems into easily solvable problems. Remember, you can also convert "what is 52% of 452" type problems directly into equations as well. e.g., what is 52% of 452 becomes x = 0.52 * 452 and then you can solve for x ("of" stands for "*" and "is" stands for "=", "what" is usually the variable x)

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