Days 149 and 150

Algebra: Chapter 11/12 Review Packet (Thursday)

Algebra: Chapter 11/12 TEST (Friday)

Math-8: Chapter 13-5, p 683 (Thursday)

Special Right Triangles

There are 2 special right triangles:

45°-45° triangles. In these triangles, the angles are 45°, 45° and 90°. In a 45°-45° triangle, you can find the length of the hypotenuse by multiplying the length of a leg by the `sqrt(2)`. The shortcut way to remember these is: the sides are 1, 1 and `sqrt(2)`. The hypotenuse is `sqrt(2)`.

30°-60°-90° triangles. In these triangles, the length of the side opposite the 30° angle is 1/2 the length of the hypotenuse and the length of the other side is `sqrt(3)` times the other side! The shortcut way to remember these is 1, 2, and `sqrt(3)`, where the `sqrt(3)` is the side opposite the 60°.

Pretty simple triangles!!

Math-8: Chapter 14-1, p 706 (Friday)


A monomial is an expression that is either a NUMERAL, an VARIABLE or a PRODUCT of numerals and variables with whole number exponents. If the monomial is a numeral, we call it a CONSTANT.

Polynomials is the catch term for monomials put together with + or − signs. Polynomials with just 1 term are called “monomials”, with 2 terms they are called “binomials”, with 3 terms, they are called “trinomials”. Polynomials with more than 3 terms have no particular name.

TERMS are separated by + or − signs and the FACTORS are the things that are multiplied together to get each term. The numeric factor of a term is called a COEFFICIENT and terms with just numbers (no variables) are called CONSTANTS.

Finally, we can evaluate polynomials when we replace the variable by a number and calculate the resulting answer. This is called EVALUATING THE POLYNOMIAL.

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