Day 91

Algebra: Chapter 5-9, p 240

Multiplication of Monomials and Binomials

If we multiply a monomial and a binomial, all we have to do is DISTRIBUTE the monomial through the binomial, pretty simple to do.

FOIL – first, outside, inside, last. A handy way to multiply 2 binomials. If the 2 binomials are:

(A + B) * (C + D), then FOIL gives us AC + AD + BC + BD where A, B, C and D represent the terms in each binomial.

We can also do the BOX METHOD which is explained on page 240 at the bottom. Its basically representing the binomials as the dimensions of a box which itself contains 4 smaller boxes as defined by the 4 terms. The BOX METHOD finds the area of each of the 4 boxes and then the addition of all 4, gives us the area of the 2 binomials multiplied together. Its hard to describe here.

Truthfully, if you get in the habit of using the BOX METHOD, then FACTORING in Chapter 6 will be a whole lot easier!

Monomials multiplied with binomials are described here. Binomials using FOIL are described with more examples here! 

Math-8, Chapter 7 TEST! 

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