Day 17

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 2-3
Comparing and ordering on number line
The number line (really just the x axis) runs from negative infinity to positive infinity. The 0 point defines points to the left as negative and points to the right as positive. Numbers to the right are larger than numbers to the left OR when you are comparing numbers, just remember to put them on the number line and the number to the left is smaller than the number to the right!

Algebra: Chapters 2-5 and 2-6
Multiplication and Division of Rationale Numbers
Today is easy because the rules for multiplication and division are simple. When multiplying 2 numbers AND if the SIGNS are the same, the product is ALWAYS positive. If the signs are different, them the product is ALWAYS negative. This is pretty straightforward. Division follows the same rules as multiplication.
Tomorrow’s homework has 2 sections and tonight’s is pretty easy. I would recommend that students do some of tomorrow’s homework tonight so that your weekend is a little easier.

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