Day 107

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 8 Review

Prepare for the Chapter 8 Test! Make sure that your notes and homework are all up to where they should be.

Algebra: Chapter 8-8

Solving Equations by Factoring

The principle of zero products states that: for any rational numbers a and b, if the product ab = 0, then a=0 or b=0 or both a and b = 0.

Factor and solve equations by using the following:

  1. Get 0 on one side of the equation using the addition property
  2. Factor the expression on the other side of the equation
  3. Set each factor equal to zero
  4. Solve each equation.

If we have an equation with 0 on one side and a factorization on the other side, we can solve the equation by finding the values that make the factors 0. This is even easier!

Since we are solving quadratic equations (they are NOT linear because they have an exponent that is squared, x^2), we can have at MOST 2 solutions. We can have NO solutions, 1 solution or 2 solutions.

Remember to use all the techniques you know to factor!

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